By Amy Wilson
Waco, Texas — It keeps getting faster, and this time it was Nancy Hunter and Flit N Fizz "Fuzz" who clocked a 13.62 to win Round 5 of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.
The impressive run came after Hunter made some changes recommended by her husband, "Well Fred and I reviewed the tapes, and I have to admit the Thomas and Mack is not like [Rodeo]Houston for Fuzz. It's a different set up. Fuzz isn't very courageous running back in that alleyway and was struggling a little bit on the ground. So Fred said, ‘You need to ride him more on the left side, not so straight to that first barrel where he has to stop so hard. Just sit quiet on him through the alleyway." Fred's advice was to not hustle Fuzz as much to be able to get a good first barrel. Hunter admits that Fred's solution for helping her 15 year old gelding worked, but it wasn't easy for her to do, "He took off and it was hard - sometimes I bump him with that inside leg and then he'll pick up a gear and that's what I've been doing. I had to tell myself ‘Fred will probably break my leg if he sees me kick him'. So I sat real quiet on him." Hunter said showing her sense of humor. Photo by Larry Smith
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